Thursday, October 20, 2016

How to make money from Twitter with Autotweets

There is a promising new program called Autotweets from creator Stephen Hall, who bought us the commendable Autoaffiliate Program.

It shows you how to make money from Twitter with Autotweets - tweeting on autopilot. We all know that Twitter today is hugely popular and influential in social marketing, and how important that can be for getting noticed. But using it getting good results with it are two different things. Results can take massive time.

Autotweets comes in right here, as it aims to address that problem by automating things in a simple but powerfully effective way. This new program helps you by getting your valuable content in front of your Twitter followers on auto, freeing up your valuable time to do other things. It not only does it completely automatically and at scheduled intervals, but it is also designed to provide you with other benefits too. It will teach you the steps on how to monetize your twitter account and set it up for multiple streams of income and simultaneously grow your Twitter followers. This of course will help in the future to bring in even more income and followers.

The system is very easy to follow, with lots of step by step instructional videos and additional information provided on the website. The questions I had during he set up process were answered along the way as Steven has kept things very simple and easy to follow and has been very thorough in the information included. I like the systems that have instructional video guides, as you can always easily pause and go back to check things again or reference them later on when you need a little more time for the info to 'soak in'.

 There are basically five steps to getting everything sorted and to be up and running with it working automatically.

Step 1 shows you how you can either use Autotweets with your existing twitter account, or create a completely new account. A new account is created with a specific target market in mind. One thing to remember is that you won’t have any followers, but there are easy ways to fix this that are covered in detail later.

Step 2 shows you how to 'add value' to your tweets in the system, to engage your audience so your followers are more likely to share and like them.

Step 3 is about how to set the system to automatically post the latest news stories relevant to your niche, to your Twitter account. It only takes about 5 minutes to do this.

Step 4 is on how to monetize your twitter account. You'll learn where to find a lot of highly targeted products and services specific to your chosen niche market. You'll see how to create affiliate links for them, and also how to have them posted automatically into your Twitter account. You are guided along every step, so it makes something that sounds complicated actually very easy! When one of your Twitter followers buys a product from one of your links, you’re going to make commissions, which are usually around 50%, some even paying up to 75% ! The program states that you can expect to make between $20 to $100 per sale, and with my experience with Clickbank (which is where creator Steven Hall is focussed on) that is pretty accurate.

Step 5 concentrates on how to grow your Twitter following and make money with them. This is a pretty important step, and one that is covered in detail, giving some good tips and info for those who struggle in this area. The way he focusses on building a twitter following that is targeted around your specific niche is great training and a particularly useful skill to have. When you have a targeted following, they are so much more willing to pay attention to what you have to say and therefore your chance of success in getting results will rise dramatically.

There is a seven day trial period that will cost you $1. After the seven days, it is $19.99 a month or you can save money and pay $47 quarterly. I would recommend paying and joining for the trial period as there is a lot of information in there that is really useful to you, even if you dont decide to continue with it. Personally I find it really useful and a huge timesaver and am already seeing a few small results with it already. Check out How to make money from Twitter with Autotweets to learn more about it. There is a lot to gain here and nothing much to lose.

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